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The Biscuit Tin Secrets Mug

About The Books

The Biscuit Tin Secrets Club is a 6 book series telling the stories of 6 women who work together in a parachute factory in war torn London in the 1940’s.

Written by best selling author Sam Michaels, who also writes with her Mother Kitty Neale, these extraordinary tales of love and loss, courage and community spirit and the challenges of the most devastating destruction in human history are based on true stories and show just how much the events of the time affected the lives of their families for generations to come. 

The first books is Rosie’s Story. As she joins the team in the parachute factory, an investigation into a failed chute that result in the death of a soldier, Rosie is reminded of her own first love. To try to ease her distress, one of her workmates brings out a very, very rare treat – a tin of precious biscuits. As the girls share them and are comforted, they all agree that they will each keep their secrets and mementoes in their own tin – and The Biscuit Tin Secrets Club is born.

Fast forward over 50 years and the tins that have been hidden away are found one by one by the third generation of family members and the secrets of the 6 women are revealed.