The Book offer Shop*
Co-sell with other authors to offer readers deals set on your terms**
Our ebook shop has an almost unlimited number of ways for you to offer readers deals. You can set any quantity and any price – here are just a few examples:
Buy One for £2.99 and Get One Free
Get 3 Books for £5
Buy 4 books for £1.99 each
… we can set up pretty much any variation and do it by genre too. This gives you the flexibility to offer books with a group of authors and use your combined reach to market to your audiences as well as benefit from the promotions we will run for you. Read on to find out why and how this new strategy could be just what you need to boost sales and gain visibility.

* the shop is currently eBook only but will be developed for paperbacks soon
** subject to offer approval

Why a Book Offer Shop?
There are some very signficant reasons why this represents a fairer deal for everyone, for you as well as for your readers:
Firstly, more choice and better author and reader benefits.
You often see ‘Readers of Stephen King will love this’. It makes it easier for customers to understand what they are buying – and feel safer making a purchase – and allows authors to describe books in a recognisable way. And it’s very effective!
Stores like Amazon separate authors so that if you want to show your book close to others, you have to buy an ad placement. With BooksOffice books are shown side by side and readers can directly compare – wthout you paying for ads. And you choose where you want to be.
Secondly, pricing and commissions
On most stores books are individually priced and to deal with small monetary payments, they often take a huge percentage – if your ebook is less than $2.99 (£1.80/€2.00), Amazon will take 65% of that – a huge slice of your revenue whereas with us, collaborating means a better deal.
Because we ask the customer to buy more than 1 book and the minimum spend is $2.50 (£2.00/€2.00) – you will always get 70% of the revenue. But we can still offer great deals – you can offer 5 books at $2.50 (£2.00/€2.00) (only 50 cents/pence to the customers) and still make as much as you would selling it for twice the price on Amazon.
And a whole bunch of other reasons:
Make an offer for as long as you like – no restrictions
Test prices and offers to see how they work
Start a series off on here and then sell the remainder on other stores
No restrictions to you selling elsewhere
Join one of our existing offers or work with other authors to create your own
Your readers earn reward tickets with every purchase so they can pay with their tickets when they collect enough
You don’t have to be in a bestseller list to benefit from our promotions
How It Works
The steps to joining an offer shop are simple – we explain them below. How does it work for you as an author?
First you will need to regsiter on BooksOffice as an author and add your books – there are no costs to do any of this. Once you’ve done that you will be able to access offers.
You can add your book to an offer that we have set up – if you are eligible it will show in your dashboard and you just submit and upload your book. We convert it to all required eBook formats for the customer using industry standard software.
To create an offer you will need to submit a request through our online form. You’ll need at least 24 books of your own or from a group of authors to apply – if we approve we will set the offer up for you with a start and finish date and you can invite other authors.
You (and your group of authors) promote the offer and we do too to our registered readers and on social media. When they select your title and buy it, the sale is shown in your dashboard along with your earned commission – which unless otherwise specifically stated is 70% of the unit price of the book calculated by the number of books you specifically have sold.
From time to time, we may add an incentive to an offer, such as a sweepstake for qualifying purchases.
We pay your commissions to your nominated account monthly in accordance with our terms.
There’s also have a great scheme to incentivise your readers – with every purchase – and every time they invite new readers – we reward them with tickets which they can use to buy more books!
Some important points
Book format
Our system allows you to download and check your formatted book before you submit. You must submit the full book and a sample that our readers can review. Please note that our site is hand curated and we will be checking the quality of your books. If a book is not formatted correctly it will be removed. It is essential that we maintain standards of quality for the benfit of all particpating authors. If ypou need a book to be formatted, please see Author Services on our partner site
Book Cover
We are looking for books with professionally designed covers. If we feel a book is not being presented to a certain quality we may remove the book. There are many professional design services available and it doesn’t need to break the bank – but the cover is your (and our) shop window and must deliver an appealing look to readers, please see Author Services on our partner site
Please take the time to write a clear, compelling description of your story. We are happy for you to use comparisons and to refer to other stories, films, TV or authors so long as it is a valid and honest appraisal of your story. You can also quote book reviews and ratings from other sites. We also recommend you add a three word emotion or genre positioning, such as:
chilling | tense | dark
You will need a valid Paypal account for us to transfer funds for sales.

Samantha Michaels
- ★★★★★
I got involved early in the testing phase of this – I love the flexibility and the way offers can run for a limited period – as a series writer this is a fantastic way for me to promote my books and give readers a taste of what’s to come.

Michelle Holland
- ★★★★★
Books aren’t free and there’s no fee! The great thing about this is that you can make readers offers without it having to be free like other services which devalues my books – and I don’t have to pay up front either. It’s a fun and fair way to offer authors likle me promotions!

Leyla Cardena
- ★★★★★
Getting noticed as a new indie author is really difficult – being able to join forces with other authors and collaborate to promote an offer is a great way to help show what we have and encourage readers to try our books – and I LOVE that readers earn rewards!
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Curated Exclusive Offers for Indie Publishers
As an Indie publisher with a rosta of authors and books, we can set up offers that are exclusive to you. It’s a great way to line up your authors side by side to cross promote, test pricing, kick start series and more. You decide the terms, we set up thedeal. Please get in touch so that we can talk about how we can collaborate.
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Ready to offer readers a deal?
Add your author profile and book information free and explore the offers we have set up on BooksOffice – and if you want to start your own, make your application using the form linked on the home page of the app.